Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Normal service will be resumed...

In about three weeks, I finally have a new flat sorted, and will be moving in presently. having managed to resist turning this blog into a daily whine about living at Mum's, and the trials and tribulations that finding a normal flat to share in town entails, I shan't hijack it too much now, but promise promise promise to post back my first meal when I move in, even if it's beans on toast!*

The countdown to a blogging return currently stands at: *insert own drumming here* 18 days!

*Author's note, I don't actually like beans on toast at all, so it's more likely to be Marmite tbh...

1 comment:

hungryandfrozen said...

Good luck with the move, hope it all goes well...the marmite on toast post can't be too far off now ;)


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