Monday 19 December 2011

Meal Planning Monday: The Christmas Edition

Hi there Meal Planners, long time no see. A broken right wrist and a hectic work and volunteering schedule have made for a ridiculously difficult couple of months. Still, with Dragon installed on the laptop and a Blogger app on my phone, I'm hoping to be a bit more productive and interactive over the coming weeks and months.

This being the last week before Christmas is no different to the last few, and I'm even training twice. But fortunately no overnight stays mean that I'm in control of my food a bit more, that said you may wish to put your fingers in your ears and shut your eyes when it comes to Wednesday's dinner.

I should add a small caveat to this, I seem to have lost my appetite. It happens from time to time, normally in line with a med change (gotta love those anti-convulsants) but I think this is down to a(nother) cold which has completely shot my sense of smell. I could just make out that Mark was wearing my favourite scent of his (Lush, Dirty) but had no idea that the roast dinner was nearly done earlier.

OK, so here we have it... Christmas week in the Pantry:

Monday: Work Christmas lunch (which I may or may not stay for as a) I don't want anyone to have to cut my food up for me. Did I mention it's my right wrist? I'm right handed and b) I'm full of cold) and then leftover curry before heading up to my upstairs neighbour's for drinks. I'm taking Stollen which isn't homemade, but a Sainsbury's Taste the Difference one. It looks amazing. I may bash it up a bit and have no shame try and pass it off as my own. *flutters eyelashes*

Tuesday: Mushroom soup for lunch and then pork and roasted veg (peppers, beetroot and anything else standing still in the fridge) for dinner

Wednesday: Chicken kiev, oven chips and veg

Thursday: Beef casserole (we're at Mum's so this is up to her) which will be helpful as I'm anaemic again - don't worry, it happens, I get run down, tired, forget to eat properly and anaemia follows. I shall try not to do a Miss Bergman and die... *channels Groff* "...of ANAEMIA!!!"

Friday: Freezer surprise... I quite seriously have no idea, and seem to have taken a Russian roulette approach to labelling. There is none. It could be stewed fruit, curry, anything...

Saturday: I will make a big pan of something up *vague* Either a chilli con carne, or a sausage casserole. Mark's parents are going to midnight mass, so something we can either have hot at lunchtime, and then make a Nigella ham and have sarnies later. I'm quite set on the chilli actually. Maybe the butternut squash and cannelini bean one I've done before. Whichever way I do it, I'll make it on Friday.

Sunday: I'm staying in bed. Oh OK, I'm going to pop the breadmaker on overnight to make a loaf, then Mark and his parents will have warm bread and jam/ honey/ marmalade. Then a roast for lunch. See people. It's *just* a roast. I will be telling myself that all week, and turkey sandwiches and picky bits for supper.

I've got a few posts lined up for this week, hopefully to take the stress out of what is essentially a week where lots of people come together and eat a roast dinner. I have been making roast dinners since I could see over the oven. Please don't get anxious or worried about it.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hi Penny, now that I'm reading your blog there's no opportunity for passing shop-bought food off as your own ;-)
But seriously - Thanks for the stollen & chocolates. I know you'd prefer to make something yourself but it was lovely that you brought the stuff along :-)


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