Tuesday 20 March 2012

The flowers of spring: what's coming up on the blog

I do love M's parents, they came for dinner the other week and brought me primroses. Hurrah for flowers.

I know the last few weeks on the blog have been a bit dull, much as I don't pay too much attention to my stats, the numbers have been steadily dropping, so I thought I'd just do a bit of signposting so you know I haven't completely given up and hibernated.

This week I'm off for a cookery evening at Leiths and following that, there will be a giveaway of a hamper of Asda Extra Special goodies just for readers of the blog. I'm going to tie that into some subsription options now that Google Reader is no more for those of you not on Blogspot blogs.

I've promised myself that I'm going to get some scones made today, using our Division Commissioner's infamous recipe. And not just because the cream will go off otherwise.

Continuing the Guiding feel, I've got a couple of picture posts of the Guides and Brownies using some Baker Ross craft packs for Mothering Sunday and Easter. Lots of fun was had by all (I was just sad they haven't left any for me!)

Also, I've got another Activity plan for your units - homemade (no-cook) sweets suitable for Brownies to make with supervision and assistance, and for older Guides to lead younger Guides in. Ideal presents for any opportunity that arises (we made them at Brownies for Mothering Sunday).

And lastly, I completely failed to blog my birthday cake which was yummy, so I'm adapting the recipe slightly to make it a Simnel cake. Ideally that would have been made already but as I have no need to prove my suitability as a wife - unless anyone's asking? I'm shucking the bonds of patriarchy (or something like that) and making it when I have some time this week or next.

So that's what's coming up over the coming weeks. Stay tuned...

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