Monday 5 March 2012

Meal Planning Monday: Are we nearly there yet?

It's that time of week again, I'm currently cwtched under my camp blanket, staring out at hammering rain and wishing that spring would, well, spring already. I want to want to eat the salady items that are starting to permeate my veg box, I want to be able to go out walking and running again, to enjoy the opportunity for a potter. But, what can you do - spring will spring when it's good and ready.

Over the las week or so, I've not done too well on the cooking/ eating front. It's nice to be flexible, but  just don't feel inspired. That said, I had a lovely pink day in the kitchen yesterday stewing some beautifully rosy early rhubarb that I picked up at the market, and then making some blood orange curd (I have another batch to do but have run out of eggs annoyingly).

I also finally got around to making the salted caramel & pecan brownies that I've been meaning to try for ages. The recipe came from Rachel at Baking Brownies for Mozart, as her brownie cups were one of my swaps at Let's make Christmas, which although in itself a distant memory - recreating those brownies has been playing on my mind ever since. A good friend of mine Kat (of the epic photography skills at my sister's Hen Party), taste tested them for me, and they were definitely a success.

So next week - what does this have in store?  Health wise, I'm still headachey on and off, but managing work well actually. I'm still going for easy food as my energy levels are still low. Ideally I'd be starting the week with the fridge slightly better prepared but I have a plate of picky bits ready for any dining emergencies.

Breakfasts: Porridge still (the only upside to the continuing weather) with the rhubarb I stewed.

Lunches: I wanted to make some soup yesterday, but the plastercast hindered my abilities to chop up the squash that was intended for said soup. I will be cornering M this afternoon and bribing him with brownies to do it for me. Hopefully then I can commandeer half of it for a lovely thick soup with ginger and chilli. If not, I've made a lovely batch of homemade houmous and randomly for me, am really enjoying seeded Ryvita thins, salad and crudites with it.

Dinner - I'm cooking a huge shoulder of pork today for dinner with M's parents and am hoping leftovers will be enough for Monday and Tuesday. I'll try to take the pictures as I'm using the same guidelines as I did here.

Monday: Leftover roast pork, with vegetables

Tuesday: Either leftover leftovers - maybe in a pitta bread or shredded into some steamed veggies.

Wednesday: Chicken, butternut squash and barley casserole (on the proviso that M chops up said squash)

Thursday: Fingers crossed for aforementioned soup and soda bread

Friday: I can't remember what or where we're up to next weekend so I think we'll have the leftovers from the minced meat hash I made this weekend - as if we've got no plans I'd like to pop and see my Mum I think. I think topped with a poached egg and a a good dollop of ketchup it should be better second time around.

Well that's the Pantry - what about you? What're you up to this week? Be sure to head over to At Home with Mrs M for more meal inspiration

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