Sunday, 29 July 2012

Meal planning Monday: the low-tech edition

Well we're happily ensconced in our new flat. A few boxes still surround us, but as I've lost my Guide hut keys in the move - there they will stay until such time as said keys reappear *prays to St Laurence*

We are without broadband until the 20th - if you follow me on Twitter you'll have heard all about my trials and tribulations with Primus. Until then I'm relying on "the kindness of strangers"and Starbucks for wifi and may limit my posts to the odd Instagram photo with a brief recipe.

This week's menu is deliberately straightforward as I'm finding the end of my lease period with my previous landlord trying to say the very least.

M has requested cake as I haven't been baking for ages, and as a moving in present he presented me with a k-mix, to say I was overwhelmed is an understatement! Cake is definitely on the menu: banana bread and a Mars bar chocolate cake.

I'm getting used to a considerably smaller kitchen slowly; it's difficult to keep it tidy for any length of time when you actually cook, and when the dishwasher seems to have gone on strike! (if that is the case I'd have rather had the extra cupboard and bought M a pair of Marigolds!)

So, Meal planning Monday complete, hopefully next week's menu and lists will be less emotional, stressful, tiring and draining. Until next time...

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