Tuesday 4 September 2012

Sunday Baking: surprise muffins

Photo credit: That'll be me! I learnt to focus folks! Now for staging..

The thing about getting to the point both literally and emotionally where you feel comfortable and settled is that you can start to build the things you enjoy into your life as opposed to them always feeling like they're tagged on to the end of another too long day. 

For me this is meaning that I'm finding time (and M is supporting me) to blog, and most excitingly of all helping me to take better pictures. You'll notice that the most recent (non Instagrammed) ones are so much better than I usually manage it all credit has to go to M for them. If he'd step forward I'd suggest we offer him a round of appluase, but in absence of that I've made him muffins. The special thing about these muffins is that they're something he likes, and I don't - white chocolate and I do not get along. 

He doesn't know yet about their secret ingredient as the Belgian Grand Prix was on (Go Jensen!) whilst I was making them, this will probably pop up in his inbox tomorrow, so sorry M. 

White chocolate surprise muffins

5oz grated parsnip
3 large eggs
6 floz sunflower oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 large bar white chocolate chopped up into small chunks
8oz self raising flour

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and line a 12 hole muffin tin with cake cases
Whisk together the parsnip, eggs and sugar until light and foamy
Add in the sunflower oil, vanilla, chocolate and make sure everything is whisked in
Fold in the flour gently and spoon either an ice-cream scoop or 3 dessert spoons of batter into each
Bake in the oven for 25 minutes, take out and leave to cool

M will be taking them in his packed lunch. I like to delude myself that the secret vegetables will make him healthier, whilst not denying him his RDA of cake. 

Don't forget that my Simple Summer Round up competition ends tomorrow - so make sure you've entered to win £50 of Asda vouchers

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