Tuesday 7 May 2013

Pretty in pink: Rhubarb rhubarb

I love rhubarb. Stewed rhubarb on yoghurt is one of my favourite breakfasts (when temperatures aren't arctic) I wish daily that I'd made more of the rhubarb and ginger jam as I ended up giving it all away. However, that's pretty much all I do with rhubarb, which isn't very exciting.

Early rhubarb is beautiful, it's rosy blush cheers me up every time I see it and makes me hopeful for spring, for sunshine and longer, warmer days. Of course this year that's gone to pot - I'm still in thermals, with 3 extra blankets on the bed, holding hot drinks to try and warm my freezing fingers.

Flavour wise I adore pairing rhubarb with ginger - be it crystallised or stem ginger the pairing just seems to work. However, this time I tried something new. I poached the rhubarb in a splash of Shloer - the new Rhubarb and raspberry flavour. This, splashed over the chopped stems as they gently cooked through on the hob made for a sweet and fresh base to the crumble. 

Rhubarb crumble

1 pack rhubarb - about 400g
200ml Rhubarb and raspberry Shloer
120g plain flour
90g butter
90g caster sugar
1 tsp ground ginger
Demerera sugar to sprinkle

Cream, custard or ice cream to serve

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees C
Rub the butter, sugar, ginger and flour together until you have a mixture that resembles breadcrumbs
Lay the cooked rhubarb on the bottom of a pie dish
Sprinkle the crumble mix on top and bake in a preheated oven for 30 minutes (or so)
Serve with cream, custard or ice cream

1 comment:

Kate@whatkatebaked said...

My favourite Penny! I too have been baking lots with rhubarb this weekend- we've now several bakes to get through, thank goodness for hungry work colleagues and the freezer!


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