Friday, 6 September 2013

There's no place like home...

Image and wonderful doormat from here

Since I started Penelope's Pantry in 2007 lots has stayed the same, my love for baking bread, my crockery fetish, my not so secret fizzy sweet habit. Lots has also changed, from my hair colour, my love for cupcakes, and the location of the Pantry. I seem to have been doing a fine line in investigating the wilds of North London over the last 5 years, and have finally chosen to settle somewhere. Somewhere not so far from where we are now, but a bit bigger. A house. Our house. 

 This weekend sees the massive task of moving begin. There's so much to do I don't quite know where we're going to start, but we have assembled our troops - bribed with sausages in french bread, fruit cake and tea - and collected together ALL of the cleaning materials in North London. As soon as I can I'll be tweeting and instagramming  photos of the new pantry. 

The whole house and garden is going to be a work in progress for some time - right now our priorities are cleaning and making it livable. If it's not too horrendous a prospect I'll keep you up to date with our exploits as we make this our home. 

I can honestly say nothing has terrified and equally excited me so much at the same time before now. But there it is. The start of one of the most exciting chapters of my life, and a new chapter in the life of the Pantry. 

Wish us luck - and see you on the other side

Penelope & M 

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