Tuesday 3 May 2011

Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo: Foodie presents from the interwebs!

Sometimes in life we wish for our Fairy Godmother to appear, I imagine mine somewhat like Glinda the Good, in a sparkly frock, riding in a bubble with a wand she can put to startlingly effectively use. However, it seems on further investigation, on this occaision mine is actually called Ian and he works for Applicance Online (I think he may have the best job in the world as it seems his raison d'etre is to surprise bloggers with presents! Who wouldn't enjoy doing that, really?) Originally, I commented on this post, by Whimsical Wife last year, which was how Ian got in contact with me.

The presents he sent me (which were in time for my birthday, and about when I had my accident and when I was on crutches. Is there a prize for the most accident prone blogger I wonder?) were a cupcake stand and book of cupcake recipes. Armed with these trusty items, last Thursday at Brownies we had our Royal wedding party!

I had made fairy cake sized vanilla cupcakes which the Brownies then decorated with glace icing (also known as water icing) and silver and gold edible 'jewels' to make crown shapes on them. One of my fellow guiders had made fondant icing wedding cake toppers (we only had a small incident with the groom's head falling off!) and we used the cupcake stand to display them on our table. Have a squiz at the pictures I took below (all children you can see have full photo permissions for the internet).

Just as an aside - what would your fairy godmother bring you. Right now? Mine would be an end to this migraine (on my third week and still vomiting. Nice) or some new slippers as I poured a pint of water in mine last week and they're not quite the same now they're dry.

Next time, the ubiquitous (and very necessary) Royal Wedding post. More cupcakes! Hurrah, it's like 2007 all over again!


Anonymous said...

Those cakes are fantastic! If my fairy godmother could bring me anything it would be a buyer for our house so we could move to our dream house.

Penelope said...

They did really well actually. I was very proud of them. Well I always am, but they outdid themselves last week. Royal wedding badges all around!

No luck on a buyer yet? I'm really sorry lovely, thats difficult. I shall wave my wand a la Glinda and do my best to help.


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