Thursday 3 May 2012

Happy and Glorious

You'll have noticed, I'm sure that I rarely (if ever? Could this be a blog first?) use the Pantry to pass on press releases. Not because they're not interesting, but because I try to keep the focus here more on what I really am cooking, baking, eating and doing. However, I do have a bit of a thing for Lyle's Golden Syrup and the beautiful Jubilee tin has completely won me over.

When Mark and I went out for my birthday this year the restaurant had a Golden syrup tin on the pass being used to store teaspoons. Since then I've been desperately trying to add syrup to recipes left right and centre in a bid to be able to replicate it. That plan has now been superceeded by this Happy and Glorious tin, specially for the Diamond Jubilee. It's limited edition, so please form an orderly queue behind this blogger.

As an aside, have you seen the M&S biscuit tins. I am going to be trying to secrete those past M over the coming weeks.


Lauralovescakes said...

I do exactly the same thing...I'm forever using golden syrup so I can have the tins. I have one on my desk for stationary! But now I've seen this tin I might have to up my golden syrup consumption again!! :-)

Penelope said...

Oooh I like the idea of putting pens and what not in them too *makes mental note* Thanks Laura

Kate@whatkatebaked said...

What a perfect Jubille celebratory tin! Am definately going to keep an eye out for one in my local supermarket next time I'm shopping!


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