Saturday 12 May 2012

Hey, old friend. Are you OK old friend?

As the song goes, from Merrily. By the way if you live in travelling distance of New York and didn't see the Encores revival, may I just ask... Why for the love of God not?

This is more of a public service notice as it were. Normal recipes and musical theatre wittering will continue as usual next time, but I just wanted to remind regular readers, and followers that Google Friend Connect stopped working in March if you're not on blogger. Now I'm planning on staying on blogger for the time being (watch this space) but if you are a Wordpress or self hosted follower using GFC then you might want to think about following in another way.

Bloglovin is one such way (may I briefly state how annoying the dropped g is?)

As is twitter, or the Penelope's Pantry facebook page.

Or just a plain old RSS feed of course...

I hope you're enjoying the blog - as a trainer I ask for feedback on a daily basis, but never do here. So to complete my learning cycle on the blog for the first time, feel free to comment on this post to say anything you would like to see more of, less or or a different slant on. Onwards and upwards in 2012.

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