Monday 4 June 2012

Meal Planning Monday: the' where on earth are you?' edition

Hello there, you'll be pleased(?) to hear I haven't abandoned ship, but two weekends straight of Guide camps and a solid week of training have left me with little energy for cooking, plus last week I was lucky enough to be spoiled rotten my M's parents whilst I was staying with them for work so I had an unheard of week off from the kitchen. Possibly it was enforced as I served up chicken kiev with smiley faces on Monday night, fairly well deserved if you ask me.

That said, I'm back with a ginger biscuit recipe in my sweaty paws, ready and raring to... well, head off again. It's that time of year for holidays so I'm joining in and heading off for some sun (please God? Please?) rest and lots of reading in France.

However, I'm going to try and line up some posts for whilst I'm away. Try not to miss me too much!

This week in the pantry is a filler really:

Monday - we're being ironic and having bratwurst with potato rosti and applesauce if I've got some apples in the fridge.

Tuesday - There won't be any bratwurst left (there's no point pretending), so freezer surprise. Hopefully something we can have with potatoes or pasta.

Wednesday - poached eggs with asparagus spears for me as a lunch before heading back to Swindon again.

Thursday & Friday I have the dubious delights of Harvester type food. Then Saturday we're off at some ungodly hour to France.

A bientot mes amis (get me! Apparently that's what a French GCSE does for you!)

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