Monday 7 January 2013

Meal Planning Monday: the still vaguely organised edition

Last week's meal plan went well - we stayed on plan, save for Sunday when my sister, her husband and my nephew couldn't come over, so we had leftover turkey chilli with flatbreads instead. Remind me to link my flatbreads up to the Fresh From the Oven challenge. 

This week M's working away for a couple of nights and I'm at a Guiders curry - I mean planning meeting *cough* Brownies starts back too so it's not just M who's a busy bee. 

Breakfasts: Porridge with brown sugar and a banana for me

Lunches: Soup - Split pea and frankfurter and Lifechanging


Monday: Leftover turkey chilli

Tuesday: Guiders curry night (prawn biryiani shall be mine!) 

Wednesday: Pantry pasta

Thursday: (freezer special) Chicken escalopes, oven chips and peas

Friday: My first foray into Jamie's 15 minute meals - Chicken Dim Sum. I'll report back

Saturday: is a blank at the moment - there will be leftover Dim sum so possibly that

Sunday: Slow roast pork (same as last week's plan) 

So that's our week in the pantry - a minimal amount of shopping and a few quick and easy dinners. Sounds good to me. 

Make sure to pop over to At home with Mrs M to see what everyone's up to on the linky 

1 comment:

Moi said...

Thanks for joining in! Sounds like a good plan!


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