Friday 9 August 2013

What I did on my holidays, by Penelope

Absence makes the heart grow folder, or so they say. My break from the blog wasn't deliberate, or even particularly planned, I just felt like I needed a rest. Between a full time job and three Guiding roles life can be a bit hectic and I have to be careful not to abandon M for nights spent nose down in front of the laptop, writing and tweeting. A balance is a precarious one, and I just felt like in stepping back I was taking a bit of control as well as a rest.

That is really to say that I'm back writing, and feeling positive. I thought, I'd start with a picture post showing what I've been doing while the pages here have been blank. 

Guide camp - this year we had a Summer in the City theme owing to a last minute change of venue. We took the girls to Lush on the Kings Road where they were truly spoiled, making facepacks, playing catch with shower jellies and let loose shopping! We also had a day out and about in the local park and nature reserve. This was our first year with our own tents - there's a long story behind actually getting them, but thanks to a wonderful Division commissioner we bought them and now own 5 of our own Patrol tents. 

Guides hasn't been my only activity - the glorious weather has led to lots of picnicing (it's a word) for M and I. Higgidy were kind enough to send me some vouchers to enable us to try some of their products - I have to say I adored their Spinach feta and roasted red pepper, but M was wowed by their Smoked English bacon and mature cheddar one. What can I say? It had bacon. We have a pie of theirs in the freezer to test when it's more pie weather. Higgidy are on special offer in Sainsburys at the moment, and I would heartily recommend them if you're packing for picnics over the summer holidays. 

As part of the Moneysupermarket Big night in challenge I splurged on some Blackberry and Elderflower pimms. I have to say, this stuff is amazing. I've been drinking it with lemonade over lots of ice. Whilst it's a special edition I'm hoping it returns next summer as it is a wonderful summer drink. 

To be fair - so that you know I'm not the Mary Poppins of the baking world, I thought I'd tell you about a couple of disastrous baking attempts. I've been making bread for years but have had a run of disastrous attempts - a Paul Hollywood bloomer that turned into a flatbread, and the 'rolls' pictured below. Allegedly fluffy Hawaiian rolls, they just would not rise. I've since been on the River Cottage Bread course so am hoping to knead myself into shape where my bread baking is concerned. 

That said my homemade pizzas have come on a treat. M is a huge fan. Especially when I add an egg in the middle for him. Also note the bacon. 

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