Sunday 31 May 2015

Dairy free baking - Chocolate & chilli olive oil cake

It's safe to say that between Slimming World and being dairy free I miss cake. I mentioned on Twitter last weekend that I fancied chocolate cake and lovely Jules of Butcher Baker suggested Nigella's chocolate olive oil cake. And what a good suggestion it was. Rich, yet light with a massive chocolate kick - you only needed a small slice (which is a godsend for the diet) to really feel like you'd had a good pudding. Sadly I had to foist a fair amount off on M's parents as otherwise in all likelihood I'd have been found face down in it at some point during the week.

Of course I made some changes to Nigella's recipe, because... well I'm a foodie.

Chocolate olive oil cake - serves 12

150ml olive oil - not extra virgin as the taste would be too strong
50grams cocoa powder
125ml recently boiled water
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon of chilli flakes, crushed with a pestle and mortar
100g plain flour
25g custard powder
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
Pinch of salt
200g caster sugar
3 large eggs

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and line the base of a 20cm cake tin - I used one with a loose bottom
In a jug mix up the water, vanilla and cocoa powder until you get a runny paste - pop to one side for now
 Beat the sugar, olive oil and eggs until foamy - I did this for about 5 minutes on a low speed (the baby was asleep and the higher speeds seem to register with him and wake him up)
Turn the speed right down, and beat in the cocoa paste, and then the flour, custard powder, bicarb, crushed chilli flakes and salt
Pour the cake batter into the tin, and bake for 35 minutes - until a skewer comes out clean
Leave to cool, and when popped out of the tin, serve as a pudding (I had it with raspberries - and I bet Oatly creamy oat would be fabulous), or with tea for a fancy threesies. 

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