Friday 5 June 2015

Easy peasy (almost) cheesey pasta - dairy free baby led weaning supper

Easy peasy almost cheesey pasta - dairy free simple baby led weaning suppers

One of the advantages of baby led weaning is that by and large Harry eats what we do. Today that included salmon with this couscous salad. However, sometimes I've either entirely lost inspiration or we're going to be eating something unsuitable. There's actually very little we eat that's wholly unsuitable but sometimes a spicy chilli, curry or something nutty might be on the menu and on those occaisions I do need a quick go-to for Harry.

For these reasons I have a  drawer of the freezer stocked up with portions of chicken couscous, tomato and butternut squash pasta sauce, and my dairy free brocolli pesto. However, even they require defrosting and yesterday I completely failed to get anything out. I know. Mum of the year right here!

From somewhere in my head popped the phrase - Easy, peasy cheesey pasta - a tribute to Bing bunny if ever I heard one. We love Bing bunny in this house. Me possibly as much as Harry. Easy peasy cheesey pasta was a lunch recipe that Bing and Sula helped Ama prepare in one episode, and it struck me as perfect for a quick and easy supper for my little bunny too. That said, naturally we needed to make sure our cheese was dairy and soya free.

Easy peasy (almost) cheesey pasta

Pasta shapes - we use letters and I stop M from spelling out rude words
1 tsp Olive oil
1.5 slices of mozzarella style Violife cheese
Quarter cup of frozen peas
Quarter cup of frozen sweetcorn

*I totally meant to add some finely diced carrot, and compeltely forgot! I've since made it again and included the necessary carrots - Bing would be proud!

Cook the pasta in a panful of boiling water. Our pasta takes 4-6 minutes to cook which is as long as the rest of this takes to assemble
2 minutes before the pasta is cooked, add the frozen peas and sweetcorn to the pasta pan
Drain the veg and pasta in a colander and return to the pan on the hob, but turn the burner off
Slice in the cheese and add the olive oil - stir until the Violife starts to go melty
Allow to cool a little, then serve. I pop this straight on Harry's highchair tray, but if you do spoon feeding then this would work beautifully

Peas and sweetcorn are great for helping your baby to develop their 'pincer grip' but as with all baby led weaning meals, be prepared for a mess!

Easy, peasy (almost) cheesey pasta - it's a Pantry thing

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