Thursday 17 September 2015

Chewy apple and sultana flapjacks: dairy free

Chewy apple and sultana flapjacks, dairy free, recipe

I love flapjacks, but they have to be chewy, crispy ones are just wrong. They were one of the first things I baked with my Mum, I remember kneeling on a chair in our kitchen at the table and watching her weigh out the oats as we made them together. Because of that memory and pang of nostalgia I made these with Harry's help today. He stirred, stole the sultanas, and put spoonfuls of oats (almost) in the mixing bowl. A resounding success for his first attempt at baking I'd say.

This recipe is based on the one I used way back in the mists of time. Mum wrote it out for me while I was at University. I promptly made them, fell asleep and burnt them. I've since made them twice as the first time they came out crispy - please see above. Wrong. And the second time, with some adjustments and changes to the recipe and cooking times/ temperature they were perfect.

It's worth noting that oats are well regarded as lactogenic, so if you're a breastfeeding mama flapjacks are a legitimate health food. True story.

Apple and sultana flapjacks
Serves 12

Chewy apple and sultana flapjacks, dairy free, recipe

8oz porridge oats
3oz caster sugar
4oz golden syrup
4oz Pure (or any other dairy free spread)
3 grown up handfuls of sultanas (or equivalent baby ones)
Half an eating apple grated

Preheat the oven to 130 degrees C
Mix the porridge oats, caster sugar and sultanas together in a mixing bowl
Add the grated apple and stir again so it's mixed through (if you're Harry, now is a good time to do a taste test!)
Melt the dairy free spread and golden syrup in a saucepan and pour over the dry ingredients
Stir to make sure it's all mixed in
Grease a 7.5 (or so) inch brownie pan - I used a pyrex dish and pop the mixture in
Level out the top as best as you can, there's absolutely no need for these to be perfect. I try to push the sultanas down into the flapjacks as I dislike burnt, bitter sultanas but that's personal taste.
Bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes
Leave to cool for 20 minutes, then slice into 12 bars

Chewy apple and sultana flapjacks, dairy free, recipe

Leave to finish cooling, then enjoy with a coffee. Try to hide eating them from any babies you're around.

Lots of other lovely bloggers have flapjack recipes you might like, here are some of my favourites - remember you can always substitute butter for a dairy free spread. Pure and Vitalite are our favourites:

Next on my list are Raspberry and coconut flapjacks, inspired by a lovely lady on a Breastfeeding group I belong to who's little one is going through the same leap as Harry.

Link up your recipe of the week


Cathy @ Planet Veggie said...

These look delicious and vegan too - bonus!

Choclette said...

Crispy flapjacks? No no. Yours looks lovely and chewy and sound delicious too.

Lucy Bakingqueen74 said...

Love the sound of these, great they are good for you too if breastfeeding, I userf to always forget this! Thanks for linking to my recipe too.

Janice said...

ooh I love a flapjack and apple and sultanas in them sounds even better!

Jo of Jo's Kitchen said...

I love flapjacks too. I must make some more soon

Unknown said...

Love chewy flapjacks - never tried them with apple before. Sound lovely! :)

Foodie Quine said...

I with you on this. They have to be chewey and they have to include sultanas!


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