Monday 2 November 2015

Meal Planning Monday

It feels a bit like Autumn sidled out the door last night - we woke up to a second morning of fog and a distinct snap in the air. Not impressed as it means no more drying washing outside this week. Mind you I don't know where I think I'd get the time as I'm going to catch myself on the way back this week.

Breakfasts - Everyone got back on the porridge wagon yesterday. So that's it now until March pretty much! I'm still grating apple into mine and Harry has sultanas in his.

Lunches - we've got enough of this soup left for today - then I've got some Pumpkin leftover from the weekend. I think I'll mix up some more parsnips, carrots, onion and sweet potato and add the leftover Pumpkin to vary what we had last week. I'll keep the spicing the same though.


Monday: I've got some chicken defrosted that needs using up so this I'm going to make a variation on this Squash and chicken one pot recipe from from BBC using quinoa (as that's what I've got in) and some extra veggies.

Tuesday: I'm going to make us all a dairy free Pasta genovese, using this recipe as a guideline. I've got some broccoli to use up and will make up the rest of the veggies with anything green that's sat still in the kitchen *makes mental note to move scourers* ;-)

Wednesday: Sadly I've run out of Heck sausages and they're not stocked anywhere near us, so it's back to Pork and Apple done as a tray roast with butternut squash, sweet potatoes and some kale.

Thursday: Gammon steaks, homemade chips and veggies

Friday: I think a casserole of some sort - a variation on my Beef and Guinness stew as that does lovely leftovers

Saturday: Leftover casserole

Sunday: Roast chicken with all the dairy free trimmings.

For some reason I'm craving a crumble, so as Aldi have plums on their Super 6, I think I'll do a plum and apple crumble this week. We've got Parkin made up, ahead of next weekend (not that we'll be at any bonfire parties, but I like to get in the cake focussed spirit), and a vegan pumpkin cake which is refusing to photograph nicely and so as yet hasn't been blogged.

What are you up to this week meal planning wise? Be sure to pop on over to At Home with Mrs M, or I'm an Organising Junkie to see what everyone else is

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