Tuesday 3 November 2015

Chicken and butternut squash stew: a dairy free recipe

Dairy free chicken and butternut squash stew

This stew is such a lovely autumnal dish, full of warming flavours, sweet root veggies, and enough chicken that you know it's there - but that doesn't cost a fortune. In fact, it's only got chicken in it because I defrosted some to make a casserole on Sunday, and then dropped the pot of cumin onto the slow cooker and smashed it. Go me! Or something. I wanted something that was suitable for us all, and a replacement for the casserole I had in mind.

This was inspired by a Squash, chicken and couscous recipe at BBC Good Food - but, then heavily adapted as I could see that the squash was never going to cook, and I wanted to use some different ingredients as that was what we had. 

M said that he'd like this with pasta - so that's how he's having it tonight, I preferred it over a portion of curly kale. There's something about the pairing of a rich tomato based sauce with the iron-yness (it's a word) of dark green veggies. 

Dairy free chicken and butternut squash stew

Chicken and butternut squash stew
Dairy free
Serves 5

Fry light spray (you could use olive oil - about a tablespoon)
3 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 red chilli (or appropriate amount of lazy chills)
2 red onions, peeled and diced
2 tbsp harrisa paste
1 tsp ground cumin
1tsp ground coriander
2 chicken breasts, diced
2-3 medium carrots, peeled and diced
1 medium sweet potato, peeled and diced
1 butternut squash, roasted in advance
140g of quinoa, washed in advance
1 punnet (or thereabouts) of cherry tomatoes, quartered
1 litre passata
Fresh coriander to serve (lots if you're me, none if you're M)
Salt and pepper 

Spray a large pan with the Fry light, and add the garlic, and chilli, gently frying until you can smell them
Add the onions and spices and cook on a low heat for about 10 minutes - you want the onions completely soft, but not caramelised
Add the chicken and brown off - about 8 minutes
Add the veggies, soaked quinoa, cherry tomatoes and passata
Bring to a gentle simmer and cook until the veggies are soft, and the quinoa cooked through. It took about half an hour
Serve as you like - either as it is, or with green veggies, or pasta and a liberal sprinkling of that coriander. 

This is today's Blog Every Day November post - on the prompt Food Glorious Food. 


Becca @ Amuse Your Bouche said...

I love using butternut squash in dishes like this, it adds such a lovely touch of sweetness. Yummy!

Lisa said...

This looks and sounds lovely, I love butternut squash and chicken so it's ideal for me!

Lucy Bakingqueen74 said...

Love the sound of this dish, I bet the harissa really adds a great depth of flavour.

Jo of Jo's Kitchen said...

A lovely warming winter dish. It looks delicious

Corina said...

This sounds lovely! It's got my favourite spices in too - I love cumin and also harissa paste.


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