Monday 1 February 2016

Meal Planning Monday

I forgot to link up again? I am the worst blogger ever. I'm sat here this morning with a shocking hair cut and colour, streaming cold and completely sleep deprived. Harry's napping and I should be cleaning the kitchen, but I thought I'd try in vain to get something up on the blog this morning, as during his nap this afternoon I'm hoping to have my hair sorted.

Last week both Harry and I came down with a rotten cold, M was working away and all in all it was a bit of a rubbishy week. That said, I took inspiration from Nelly's post and booked said disastrous haircut for yesterday afternoon so I had some me-time. I don't think I really understood the value of that prior to having Harry. Even so, I miss him terribly, even during those short hours away, but there's just something so validating and restful about a couple of hours being Penny, not just Mama. Not that I believe any of us are 'just' Mama, but hopefully you know what I mean.

Food - meal plans. That's what this post is supposed to be about!

Breakfasts - I had weetabix all last week and I'm bored already, so back to porridge it is. I'm feeling a bit frumpy and lethargic so I'm hoping that'll help - although the oats do have the side effect of being lactogenic, so Harry will think it's Christmas this week.

Lunches - last week I made Parsnip and apple soup, which I'd hoped to blog, but it needs some more tweaking. This week, I think I'll do Spiced root vegetable soup using up the carrots and swede which are currently languishing, unloved in the veg drawer - it's a yummy, warming and syn free concoction that is super easy and Harry likes it too. Although he loved the Parsnip and apple a lot!

Suppers - we did our weekly Aldi shop this weekend, and the offers had changed. Although I was so sad not to be able to find any of the cloth nappies in our branch, I really wanted to give them a shot.

Monday: Leftover tomato pasta that I made last night as a base for meatballs. M is working late, so he'll grab something en route.

Tuesday: Chilli con carne with a big dose of super speedy veggies in the slow cooker. I didn't get around to making this last week, so popped the mince in the freezer. I'll prep a 'dump-it-in bag' tonight, so even if we have another night of no sleep, I'm good to go in the morning. We'll have it with rice.

Wednesday: Leftover chilli with broccoli for me, and in a burrito for M

Thursday: Ham in coca cola with Slimming world chips and an egg for M.

Friday: Leftover ham, sweet potato wedges and veggies

This weekend's a bit fluid as we need to pop and see family so I think I'll see how we go. Right, I'm off to link up with Mrs M and Organising Junkie too in a bid to be a bit more with it this week. Now, where's my coffee...


E said...

Oh no, I hope you feel bether soon. Meals sound fab, we had chilli last night #mealplamningmonday

Nelly Elliott said...

Oh no! Nothing worse that having some much needed me time and ending up with a disaster of a hair cut!! Although I am glad to hear I inspired you to take some time for yourself.



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