Wednesday 16 March 2016

My handmade home: a crochet wreath

I've written previously about learning to crochet - and anyone who follows me on Instagram will be familiar with my burgeoning love of crocheted colour as inspired by Lucy's beautiful Attic 24 blog. The crocheted wreath above is, excitingly, the first project where I've picked my own colours and worked it up to my own specification. It's based on Lucy's May rose wreath, and will eventually be bedecked with crocheted flowers - I have a copy of 100 Flowers to knit and crochet in my Amazon basket as I'd like to stitch some violets, pansies, primroses and other spring flowers. As yet, I've not clicked buy so those plans are on hold.

I've had a couple of emails asking about the wreath, my colour choices and placement so I thought I'd type this up but with heavy signposting to Attic 24, as although this isn't exactly hers I feel like you should look there first.

I didn't buy any yarn for this project, but used my leftovers from my Cosy stripe Cottage blanket pack, combined with those from my most recent Sunny Granny stripe blanket.

I did buy a 25cm half circle wreath ring from Wool Warehouse, and my hook was a 4mm.

I started with a foundation chain of 35, and then each stripe was made up of 2 rows of half-double crochet.

Working from 12 o'clock, anti-clockwise around the wreath, this is the colour order I used. I have an uncanny ability to lose stitches so check my count with each stripe.

1.   Lipstick 26. Violet
2.   Sage 27. Spice
3.   Aster 28. Raspberry
4.   Violet 29. Sage
5.   Fondant 30. Meadow
6.   Spice 31. Citron
7.   Gold 32. Denim
8. Cloud 33. Lipstick
9.   Lavender 34. Aster
10. Raspberry 35. Violet
11. Denim 36. Fondant
12. Khaki 37. Spice
13. Pale rose 38. Gold
14. Lipstick 39. Claret
15. Gold 40. Cloud
16. Citron 41. Meadow
17. Wisteria 42. Citron
18. Sage 43. Fondant
19. Meadow 44. Raspberry
20. Cloud 45. Lavender
21. Denim  46. Sage
22. Rasperry 47. Pale rose
23. Lipstick 48. Aster
24. Gold 49. Gold
25. Fondant

This took me about a week of much stress crocheting to complete. I then darned in my ends - oh how I loathe this task, and every time I make anything striped I ask M to remind me to do them as I go. As yet this hasn't happened. My last task was to stitch the wreath up first so it was one long strip, and then around the ring and then wander around the house holding it up and asking Harry and M where they liked it best. It's currently residing on our lounge door - as yet unadorned by flowers and makes me beam every time I see it. I'd really like it on the front door, but we don't have a porch so it would get wet and wrecked.

I would happily make another one of these - they're relatively quick and add such a cheering brightness to a room. Another beautiful addition to our handmade home. Up next on my hook is some bunting for our fireplace, based on a granny triangle type pattern. If you'd like, I'll be sure to add another post covering my colour choices and some lovely pictures.

I've added this post to Attachment Mummy's new Friday Fabulous links - hop on over there and see all the other fabulousness.

Friday Fabulous


Rashel said...
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marta said...
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Leta said...

Beautiful! Learning to crochet is one of my goals for this year, although three months seem to have disappeared way too fast already! I love this wreath, it's so pretty and a lovely achievement. Am pinning, hopeful of my future skills ;-)

Thanks for linking up to #FridayFabulous, I'm glad to have discovered your blog!


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