Friday 1 April 2016

Life, love and little things - March 2016

March has been a busy month for us, Harry's vocabulary grows seeming hourly at times, and with that comes new challenges - what does "tee" mean in the context of breakfast? Answer, Weetabix. Of course it does. Our days potter past in an blur of playdates, toddler groups and a seemingly endless supply of washing, ironing and housework.

I convinced M to invest in a new sling - the beautiful Toddler Tula in the 'Look for the helpers' print. We bought it from Babipur a favourite website of mine - the stockist of my much lusted after Grimm's Rainbow. I know Harry would adore it. As would I. Ahem. We've used it countless times already, and being London based it makes travel on public transport so much easier. I would still love a wrap, but this is quick, easy and practical. I've always loved baby wearing, and toddlerwearing is just as convenient, and snuggly. And surprisingly less heavy than I feared.

The weather has been ghastly this month so we've done a lot of sensory play - cloud dough, play dough, cloud sand and fingerprinting have all been winners. Although given Harry's tendency to try to eat ALL new sensory play things it's a bit stressful for me. On a long replacement bus service I read the brilliant 150 screen free activities for kids which has given me some brilliant ideas for wet weather play.

Because of Harry's allergies, Easter is a chocolate free zone for us, so we've made our first steps into the world of Lego. To say M is over the moon would be a huge understatement. Harry's Duplo set is lovely, beautiful primary colours (completely non gendered thankfully) and has been played with daily since Easter Monday. We're also trying to work on his understanding of 'Tidy time' now we have the Duplo and aside from stashing some emergency bricks in the seat of his car (because clearly everyone needs some emergency Lego) he's been really good at joining in with putting all the blocks back in their box. I should just say how much I love the fact that his Duplo came in a massive Lego storage brick.

My eczema has flared up something chronic this month - my poor legs are covered and my hands are starting to go too. It used to be that eczema for me was entirely related to stress, but these days it's far more closely linked to being tired and an inordinate amount of hand washing. Now we've excluded Harry's allergens, we can manage his eczema with Lush Dream Cream, but of course that doesn't touch mine (that would make life far too easy!) so I'm always on the lookout for something that works. All suggestions welcomed...

Anyone that follows me on Instagram will have seen that I finally finished Harry's stripy blanket and my crochet wreath. My next big project is going to be the Last Dance in the Rain blanket made to a design started by crochet blogger Marinke of A creative being who sadly lost her fight with depression last year. Each yarn kit will include a donation to Mind, a charity doing such important work around mental health issues. If you are a crochet-er then please do read the post on Marinke's blog and consider getting involved in the Crochet along.  As always I'll be posting my progress on Instagram. At the moment, I'm being thrifty and using up the ends of my Cottage cosy stripe yarn to make some bunting for the fireplace.

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