Sunday 31 July 2016

Meal Planning Monday: 1st August 2016

The first of a new month always feels like turning over a new page - so appropriately as it falls on a Monday this month I thought I'd pop my meal planning hat on and get organised. I've been a bit slack about posting lately, on account of my migraines. Added to that, Harry's last two molars are making their appearance known so the unbroken nights that I thought hoped were the norm now are a distant memory. Sad times with dark circles and all the meds abound.

On a lighter note, we've found a new Aldi (yes, that's just how exciting my life is) which is far less stressful than the branch we've been using thus far, making the weekly shop not only on budget but also, almost pleasant. Who knew? 

As always I'm trying to be healthy - and am going to make a real effort to up my fruit and veg intake as I've been a bit lazy on that front. Ditto water, I've always drunk lots of water, but just lately it's felt beyond me and I'm sure it affects my headaches. 

Breakfasts: Yoghurt and fruit - I've got some bags of frozen berries that I'd hoped to make smoothies with, but my blender just isn't up to the task so I'm repurposing them breakfast style. 

Lunches: Sadly Aldi seem to have discontinued their big packs of Smoked salmon, so I'm making some of my favourite Aubergine and tomato humous to have with avocado and salad for lunches. 


Monday: Heck sausages, roast veg, corn on the cob and carrot salad

Tuesday: Crustless quiche, Slimming World chips and salad

Wednesday: Pasta carbonara - on courgetti for me

Thursday: Chicken and veg curry, homemade naan and rice

Friday: Leftover curry and rice

Saturday: Pizza, slimming world chips and salad

Sunday: Lamb leg steaks with garlic and rosemary, roast potatoes and green beans

There's a bit more cooking than usual as there weren't any chickens on offer this week, so there's fewer leftover-y dishes. 

Baking wise I'm going to make a light fruit cake for Mark's lunches - I just use tea soaked sultanas and glace cherries and as we have a week of playdates will be using Michelle's recipe for 4 Ingredient peanut butter cookies for treats. 

As always, we're blog hopping for meal plans so do join in with your plan and add it on the linky - or if you're not a blogger then do have a read of everyone else's. It's a bit like taking a nosy at someone's shopping trolley! 


E said...

It sounds like you are in for a yummy weeknow. I have also been bad with drinking enough water recently, I just seem to forget during the day. X

Rachel said...

Hi Penny,

Where's the calmer Aldi to be found? Think I'm going to make the aubergine and tomato houmous :-)

Beth (jamandcream) said...

We have a brand new Aldi and I LOVE it. It's lovely and spacious.


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