Sunday 7 August 2016

Meal Planning Monday: 8th August 2016

Another week, another meal plan. I don't know about other Mummys of pre-schoolers but the summer holidays have hit us hard. I didn't realise just how much our baby groups and classes give a routine to our days and week. Without them, days with a toddler seems longer - and our fall back activities like the park or soft play are wildly busy with all the school age children on their holidays. Of course I don't begrudge them their much needed and longed for time off, but it does make life that bit more tricky. Fortunately this week an impromptu meet up of playgroup mums in a local playground has meant that we're going to do a weekly unofficial mini playgroup in the park. And coffee in the cafe for the grown ups! 

Other than the long days of summer stretching gloriously ahead of us, things in the pantry are relatively quiet so this meal plan has been a nice easy one to pop together. That said, Harry is going through a slightly odd phase with eating at the moment, he's really off his food - even long time favourites like humous and peanut butter aren't working their magic. I've decided to put together a couple of his favourite weaning recipes today and am hoping the gentle flavours and easier textures win him around. 

Breakfasts: I had a lovely Cranachan overnight oats this morning, made from a Stoats cranachan porridge sachet I was sent. I haven't had overnight oats for ages, so am going to restart that lovely habit using my favourite 0% fat Total Greek yoghurt, and some of the wonderful summer fruit that are on Aldi's Super 6 this week.  Harry's been quite keen on porridge, so I might pick up some coconut yoghurt and try him on a mini portion of the same. 

Lunches: I adored the crustless quiche I made last week, so I'm going to make another this week. The resident carnivore enjoyed it too - and even had a few helpful suggestions for next time. Last weeks was bacon, mushroom and tomato - this week I'm thinking of salmon, tomato and possibly broccoli. Mind you this does mean my fish phobic husband won't touch it with a bargepole. All the more for me! I am a bad wife! 


Sunday: Tonight is the oft-made and much loved Tomato, vegetable and red lentil pasta. I'm planning on prepping the veggies right after I finish this post! I've got some courgetti to use up so will have that with it while M has some penne. 

Monday: There will be leftover pasta sauce, I'm thinking of baking it - and possibly (to M's delight) adding some sausages if there's some on special in Aldi this afternoon. 

Tuesday: Gammon steaks, topped with a fried egg, and slimming world chips

Wednesday: Chicken stir fry with noodles

Thursday: Leftover stir fry with rice

M's parents are visiting us next weekend so I'm a bit more mindful of their culinary preferences which does mean toning down my liberal use of garlic, chilli and other spices. Mind you M's mum is also doing Slimming World so we bond over syn free cooking. 

Friday: Bolognese stuffed peppers, topped with cheese and carrot salad

Saturday: The rest of the bolognaise with pasta, salad and garlic bread

Sunday:  I picked up my Mary Berry cookbook that M got me for Christmas and which I've shamefully cooked nothing from as yet. It's August! I don't know what's come over me. Anyway it has a lovely recipe in it for a Meditarrenean veg and mozzarella galette (or what I call a puff pastry pizza - I'm classy, me!) So I'll do that with salad for a lovely fresh lunch.

Baking wise M has asked for my Sultana and cherry cake again, and who am I to say no (it's lovely). I will blog it, but last week's caught on the top so thought I'd better make it again and not get distracted by the joyful bouncing of toddlers on a trampoline.

As always, have a look through everyone that's joined in on the linky: 

1 comment:

Anne said...

The cranachan oats sound very tasty! I love overnight oats, they are my staple weekday breakfast!!

Wishing you a pleasant week :)


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