On the veg box front. Oddly enough I was talking to Ginger from Dinner Diary a few weeks back and said that although I loved my Abel and Cole veg box, I did feel I should try others. The past month has been a riot in my A&C veg box. Beetroot, and fennel. And fennel, and beetroot. And beetroot... you get the picture. Really, there is only so much borscht one woman can eat without a) turning purple (I saw it on an episode of the District Nurse once. It CAN happen) and b) having a kitchen that looks like a scene from a slasher movie. And please, lets not even get on to the state of my fingernails. People have taken to complimenting me on my Rouge Noir nail polish, I just dimple my thanks and say NOTHING... as it's not Chanel but beetroot.
Sooo, where was I? Oh yes. Veg box. Having done a thorough investigation (I do work hard most of the time, promise!) today, I'm switching my allegieance to *insert Mama Who Bore me reprise drumming here* (well it's more exciting than a drum roll) The Organic Delivery Company; catchy title! First delivery is Friday, and breath is already bated.
Oh and did I mention I'm going back to New York in May. Booked it last weekend. Counting down the days already. Broadway here I come! And I swear if there's another strike, people will get hurt and I will cry. That's not a threat. That's fact. I've already started making lists...
- Sephora (cause as well as being a foodie and a theatre geek I'm a beauty slut! Go me!)
BROADWAY (so important it has it's own list):
- Rent
- Spring Awakening (yes again!)
- possibly Wicked if our very own Mirrrrrriam is still in it
- Legally Blonde
- Xanadu
- and possibly In the Heights.
No I have no idea how I'm going to fit all that in either! Oh and if someone could arrange for Next to Normal to extend to May I would be eternally grateful. Oh and also, if that happens I may need to take out shares in handkerchiefs.
Sightseeing - not in the freezing snow this time. And because I'm so utterly cool I want to go and sing "That's How you'll know" in Central Park. What do you mean you haven't seen Enchanted yet? See what I mean about the coolness?
Food! I have a list... D'you want to see?
- Ellen's Stardust Diner I mean, seriously. How camply wonderful does that look?
- Arriba Arriba
- Josie's - would like to suss it out. I hear good things. Healthy, organic, burgers. I feel in the interests of our debates on provenance and organicness and yeah, I just want to see how big the burgers are! Holy Portions Batman!
- Magnolia Bakery Have I blogged about making these myself yet? I'm doing it again this weekend, I'll take more pictures then. But truly, the best cakes. In the world. Ever. Some would say life changing. Not being one prone to overstatement or exaggeration, I would agree.
- Independent coffee places for more French Vanilla, so I can pretend I live there and people watch.
- Jamba Juice I physically NEED one of these to open in London. More than I need Lent to be over so I can eat chocolate, drink Starbucks and read Heat Magazine again. Yes, that much. Juice that's so good for you, and like a meal in a cup.
- Life Café OK, if you're not a theatre geek in general, or more specifically a Renthead this may mean nothing to you. But the LIFE CAFE! Sweet mother of God, I may have to be strapped down to stop myself jumping up on the tables and belting out La vie Boheme.
So I think we can safely say that I'll be dieting AGAIN when I get back from New York. Oh joy! This was supposed to be a brief chatty post... but look at that, once I get going I really don't know where to stop.
1 comment:
hey there - great ideas on trying different veg boxes!
also - im going to new york at the end of may as well! sounds like you've done all your research! :)
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