Tuesday 30 October 2012

Perfect Parkin, Pantry style

Dairy free parkin

I can't believe that it was four years ago when I first blogged a parkin recipe. So much has happened since, but throughout all those changes my parkin recipe has remained the same.Well the same if you look at the penultimate paragraph where I listed my changes. Reading it today I realised that the adjustments aren't exactly clear, so I thought I'd reblog it. 

The parkin recipe is brought out annually, around Halloween and Guy Fawkes, the ginger and cinammon punch being perfect for this kind of weather, and it being a fabulously sticky cake makes it perfectly portable - ideal for fireworks displays and I've even wrapped it up in halloweeny napkins and given it out to Trick or Treaters and none have complained yet. 

Perfect Parkin, Pantry style
Serves 16
Dairy free

125g unsalted butter - or Pure/ Vitalite dairy free spread 
175g golden syrup
125g black treacle
125g golden caster sugar
250g plain flour
200g medium oatmeal
4 tsps ground ginger
2 tsps ground cinnamon
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt (or use salted butter)
1 egg beaten
1 tblsp milk - or almond milk

Grease and line a 10" by 10" brownie pan
Preheat the oven to 150 degrees

In a large bowl or mixer, put the flour, oatmeal, ginger, cinnamon, salt and baking soda
In a saucepan melt together the butter, syrup, treacle and sugar over a low heat, stir constantly until you can't hear or feel the grains of the sugar
Pour the mixture from the pan into the bowl or mixer and mix together
Add the egg and milk, beating again until all combined

Pour the cake batter into the prepared tin, put in the now preheated oven and cook for 40 minutes

And there you have it - Perfect Parkin, pantry style. Enjoy! 


Erica Price said...

This is a lighter parkin that I normally make - mine is heavy on the treacle, but I like the sound of a gluten free version if I need to cater for allergies.

Joanne Mallon said...

I love Parkin, as you say it's just perfect for this time of year. The only problem is that the kids aren't keen, so I end up polishing it off myself. Might have to try them on your lighter version.

Anca said...

It looks great. It's the first time I hear about Parkin, I have to remember to make it next year.

Forever Miss Vanity said...

That Parkin looks wonderful and I'm so glad it's dairy free - I have to avoid dairy for health reasons.

Renna's Discoveries said...

How have I not heard of this amazing tasting delight? I'm definately doing this recipe. Thanks for sharing.

Emma White said...

I dont think I have ever tried this yet, so going to for sure as looks amazing.

Melanie Edjourian said...

I've never made or even tried Parkin before but it does sound interesting especially as it's sweet ;-)

fashionmommy said...

I feel ashamed to say I have never heard of parkin, sounds delicious though.

Vintage Folly said...

I adore Parkin!! This is much lighter in colour than mine and I'm very interested to try it given that it's dairy free x


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