Monday 29 October 2012

Meal Planning Monday: the cold snap edition

It's a week at home *does a little dance* I tell you, in my mind there could be little worse than being away from home when the weather's like this and all you want to do is cwtch up in cosy clothes, with cups of tea and chunks of parkin. So, today finds me baking said parkin (recipe up tomorrow) and roasting a joint of pork. 

It's half term this week, a week later than usual which threw us all Brownies and Guides wise, but, nonetheless planning meetings have been put in the diary - this time we're combining the Guides one with a curry and the Brownies one with pots of tea. No flaws in either of those plans! 

Breakfasts: By rights I should be on porridge, but a BOGOF meant that I still have yoghurts to eat, so I'll be on the yoghurt, fruit and a sprinkle of granola bandwagon. 

Lunches: I've got the definitive One Chicken many ways post coming up later this week (Wednesday I think) and when I made the soup from the stock and last couple of portions of shredded chicken I froze half, so I'll be having that to keep me warm. As it's got barley in it there's no need for bread. 


Monday: well we'll have leftover roast pork, so that with baked potatoes, runner beans and possibly corn on the cob as there is a couple of sorry cobs in the salad tray of the fridge.

Tuesday: I'm at the Guide meeting and will be having curry, but I thought I'd do a variation on this recipe, that I caught the end of on the telly this morning with the leftover shredded pork - I'll be changing it up significantly so will pop it up here. 

Wednesday: Well hopefully leftover pork and bean 'thing'

Thursday: I froze some of our favourite chorizo, butternut squash and cannelini bean chilli last time I made it, so I think we'll have that.

Friday: I think we'll see what Friday brings, both weather wise, time wise, work wise and energy wise. 

So that's my Meal Plan for this week, quite a lot of comfort food on there, and a fair amount of leftovers. Don't forget to hop on over to At Home with Mrs M to see what everyone else is making. 

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