Tuesday 4 May 2010

Covent Garden Food Market

This is just a picture post from last time I went to the Covent Garden food market. Cupcakes were eaten, coffee was drunk and the unexpected sunshine enjoyed.

Naturally I was enamoured with the cupcake accessories. Look at the glitter! And sprinkles! (sometimes I do wonder if I'm in my thirties, or an overgrown teenager)

More cupcakes.

Sugar mice! Despite being slightly shocked that these were £1 when I remember them being far cheaper in my childhood I was still excited.

Look! It's like The Pie Hole, but in real life. Raul Esparza is just around the corner. Singing and selling herbal remedies.

The worst pies in London? Actually they're very good, but the Sweeney Todd reference was begging to be added.

Couture cupcakes. Who knew there was such a thing?!

Cheese. Nope, I couldn't find anything else to write - but look at the yumminess.

Also more cheese, couldn't you just go one of those, baked in it's box, with red wine and dippy bread.

Baklava. Now, should you ever be at the Highbury end of Upper Street, go to Gem which is an amazing Lebanese restaurant which does even more amazing baklava.

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