Monday 25 April 2011

Meal Planning Monday: A healthy week?

I've noticed on Twitter over the past couple of weeks that Kate of The Five F's has been doing a weekly post called Meal Planning Monday. Thinking it was a whizzy idea, I tweeted her an incredibly articulate message this morning

She replied that someone already was, and after a few bleary taps on my ever-slowing iphone (a rant for another time - why are everyone else's Apple gadgets super whizzy and mine the plodders of the gadget world?) I discovered At Home with Mrs M. In light of my recent posting about raising my profile, and also my bid to prompt myself to post more regularly I thought I'd take part. Being the polite sort I am, I checked it was Ok first, and Kate kindly reassured me that it was (which may also encourage me to take part in Silent Sunday too, if I can work out how to make that food related - or maybe it can be an exception to the theme of the blog - I need to think on that a bit more I think).

I've got this week off so, I'm starting a more structured healthy eating plan - especially in the light of my recent hospital stay, I really need to focus on eating proper meals and not just grazing through the day.

Monday: Sausages in rolls, salad and strawberries, meringues and ice cream for pud (last Easter weekend meal with M's family)

Tuesday: Tarragon chicken with spring greens and cauliflower

Wednesday: White fish, roasted with herbs and tomatoes, rocket and parmesan salad

Thursday:  Cottage pie

Friday: Beef casserole (slow cooker recipe, as we're planning an escapees picnic on Friday - weather permitting of course)

So that's my first Meal planning Monday. What are you cooking this week?

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