Monday 20 June 2011

Meal Planning Monday:

How does this part of the week come around so quickly? It feels like I've barely blinked and I'm back tapping away about what to make, bake and cook for the week ahead.

Last week was fairly successful, my veg box seemed HUGE and I felt a bit overwhelmed by it's arrival so have opted to alternate weeks with a fruit bag which seems to make more sense. Hopefully I'll make a small dint on the onion mountain currently residing in my kitchen, before the next one arrives!

Things got mixed around a bit, owing more to time than anything else, but everything got made. Pantry pasta was lush as always, the soup was yummy - I'd forgotten that I'dd added some grated horseradish to the soup so it had a lovely kick. Salmon and Greens were (as always) lovely, as were the leftovers. Friday was a bit of a weather come traffic disaster so we ended up with takeaway and I did Fuss Free Flavours' lentils on Saturday, with sausages, after an initial freakout it was lovely and I've frozen the (considerable) leftovers so that Mark can try them too.

So next week.

Monday: Pasta bake surprise. The one with the double mozzarella. Quite sadly I think I'm going to pick the aubergine out. I just can't face trying to force myself to eat it again.

Tuesday: Is our Guides Division BBQ, so I'll eat with the children.

Wednesday: Broad Bean Risotto I think, I'm going to double pod and lightly steam the beans, and combine them with my basic risotto recipe. I've got homemade chicken stock in the freezer. I'm trying to work out whether or not to add bacon. When I decide I'll blog this.

Thursday: I think I'll defrost the spicy tomato lentils and sausages for after Brownies, hopefully there'll be leftover leftovers for my lunch the next day.

Friday: is my leaving do at work, so I'm not planning to cook anything.

Saturday and Sunday: Mark is working again so between baking and housework, I'll be filling up on veggies as I've done today and yesterday - there's just something in the air at the moment that is making me crave them. Heaven only knows what - normally I'm all about the chocolate.

This week's bread is an overnight sponge to make into rolls, and baking wise, I'm going to knock up some scones on Friday morning so that we can have a cream tea with some of my homemade jam in the afternoon.

Posts to watch out for, Lentils lentils lentils for Helen at Fuss Free Flavours, and spiced redcurrant rum as part of my preserving marathon. If anyone could tell me where I put the picture I took when I was starting it, that would be great.

Have good week's all, and don't forget to pop over to At Home with Mrs M and see what everyone else is up to.

1 comment:

Moi said...

Thanks for joining in!


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