Monday 12 September 2011

Meal Planning Monday: Wandering free...

Last week's Meal Planning Monday post remained in draft all week - it was just that successful. This week I'm going to try and do better, so I'm starting by writing it on Sunday and for once, after I've done a shop. I know, wonders will never cease.

This week, is another busy week for me at work, so it's really only a part week of planning, but that said - some is better than none, so here goes.

Monday: Was going to be courgetti spaghetti, but we were at Mum's today helping around the house and have the leftovers of a roast chicken to use up. We'll be having a curry, that my Dad taught me how to make, it's a quick cook, chicken and spinach. And there's a recipe for lentil daal (or is it just daal?) in this month's Red Magazine that I'm going to try aswell. Blogpost to follow. Promise.

Tuesday: I'm at Guides, so I'm going to whack some potatoes in the oven (a la Delia) to bake and have them with leftover chicken, salad and some veggies. I've got a fennel bulb to use up, so could do with something nice to do with that to go with. *Googles*

Wednesday & Thursday: I'm working away from home so no cooking will be taking place - I'll be taking my own fruit supplies though, as I'm still finding opportunities to eat fruit or veg are severely limited when staying in hotels.

Friday: We're off to M's parents so will be eating with them when we arrive.

Lunches will be - chicken salad for me, and sarnies for M.

Breakfasts will be - fruit, yoghurt and grape nuts. Although this morning was so cold I made up some oatmeal porridge with the bag of coarse oatmeal I had popped in the pantry for Parkin making. It made really tasty, more textured porridge, so I'll pop the recipe in a post this week.

I also need to make the chicken carcass into stock, but if I don't get a chance, I'll pop the whole thing in the freezer and do it when I do have some time.

A bit of a mad dash through the week there. Be sure to pop over to At Home with Mrs M to see what everyone else is up to.

1 comment:

Helen said...

Wow - you're super organised! Very impressed that you're making some real chicken stock - not something I've ever done. Silly really as I know it's not difficult!


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