Monday 26 March 2012

Meal planning Monday: the spring edition

I'm sure that should mean there should be pictures of lambs, and grass and things, but we're sadly lacking in those in Barnet, so the normal badge will have to do. 

Last week was a fantastic week (not so much in the Pantry, but what can you do) topped off by a visit to Leith's cookery school on Wednesday for an Extra Special Easter evening with Asda. Lots of fun first making our dinner, and then eating it. Look out for a post tomorrow with a giveaway of a hamper of Asda Extra Special goodies. 

The weekend went a bit haywire and plans down the drain, but in good news my Mum can now use her laptop which hopefully means she might pop by a bit more often, and in better news M really helped out cleaning the flat. I've still lost a knitting needle though. Just the one! So Mandy's baby blanket is on hold until I can get some new ones. 

This week is a quieter week  only one hospital trip is planned - for physio, and the Guides and Brownies break up for Easter. I'm re-starting my Couch to 5km programme (thank you NHS) and hopefully - headaches permitting - will get to the swimming pool for a splash. 

On the health front, my headaches have been really bad, both last week and over the weekend, which again has led to the dearth of posts. I've had my nerve blocker injections and hopefully they should kick in soon as I have lots of things I want to bake and blog. 

Anyway, this week's meal plan:

Breakfasts: I'm sticking with the 0% fat greek yoghurt, with either fresh or frozen fruit, and a sprinkle of flaxseeds

Lunches: Sainsbury's Moroccan houmous, with carrot sticks, celery, tomatoes and peppers. And some cheese if I'm still hungry

Baking: I've still not made the simnel cake, so that. And also maybe a satsuma and cardamom drizzle cake 


Monday: Roasted squash, peppers, fennel and leeks, with chorizo, garlic and olive oil. Served with rocket as a warm salad for me, and with pasta for M. If this is as nice as I hope, I'll blog it as a midweek dinner. 

Tuesday: Cauliflower cheese, with chorizo and tomatoes. I'll probably portion off M's and do it as a caulimacaroni affair.

Wednesday: Roast chicken with veggies and roast potatoes

Thursday: Leftover chicken with veg and baked potatoes

Friday: More leftover chicken, in a risotto

I'm actually not sure what we're up to this weekend, but I'll be making stock out of the chicken carcass as I'm out of homemade stock at the moment.

Be sure to pop over to At Home with Mrs M to see what everyone else is up to


Seren said...

That warm salad does, indeed, sound amazing - I shall keep an eye out for that post.


Lauren - Big Eejit said...

I've never thought to do cauli cheese as a main dish. Will be amazing with the chorizo. Hope your headaches ease up soon :( x

Kids One Stop Shop said...

Cauliflower Cheese is one on my favourites.


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