Monday 18 June 2012

Meal Planning Monday: Normal(ish) service is resumed

Well, we're back from France, the tan is fading fast and I'm back at work tomorrow. Where did the time go?

In an attempt to be vaguely organised (and very budget conscious) we picked up a chicken yesterday to cook, and hopefully that should see us through the beginning of the week with it's normal progression to stock midweek. Consider this week a study in my 'one chicken many ways' posts

I'm at home but working across London so meals need to be quick, easy and with relatively little fuss. That said I'm trying *trying* to resurrect my healthy eating after the discovery of pistachio magnums on holiday. Bad idea. Terrible idea. I really want to recreate them - if anyone's trying to offload an icecream maker, I'm your woman!

So this week:

Breakfasts for me - I'm trying some new natural yoghurts with a sprinkling of grape nuts on top and a piece of fruit.

Lunches - chicken salad


Monday - Cold roast chicken, baked potatoes, and salad

Tuesday - Cold roast chicken, herby couscous and salad

Wednesday - chicken risotto

Thursday - leftover chicken risotto

Friday - Lemon chickpeas and flatbread (this is an old recipe from my Handbag food and drink days, that the lovely Kate of The Five F's typed up for me this weekend after it went walkabout from my recipe folder)

So that's what's on in the Pantry this week - it's a normal working week for us, with Brownies and Guides for me. Hopefully some more posts in the offing too. Be sure to head over to At home with Mrs M and see what everyone else is up to.

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