Monday 28 January 2013

Meal Planning Monday: Begone January blues

I'm being a lazy blogger at the moment - as I'm sure you've noticed. It's not that I'm neglecting the blog. Far from it. I have several posts in draft that I keep coming back to, but nothing that's made me want to hit the publish button. I'm blaming it on the January blues, which means there's hope for this week as February is coming bounding over the horizon. 

I'm hoping that the snow going will help me to get remotivated with my running, as I've been a bit too afeard of breaking something to face the chill. No matter how pretty it is, I don't think my trainers would tackle the snow and ice lightly. Last night's rain seems to have put paid to the last lingering patches of slush and ice, so depending on when I get home today will warrant a run. 

M's working in Derby for a lot of this week, and I'm bounding around the country too. This makes for a dynamic week for us both and makes meal planning tricky. 

Breakfasts: I've actually got into eggs over the last couple of weeks, in place of my usual porridge. I'm finding that poached eggs on toast seems to keep me going for longer than porridge does. Which is odd as I always thought of porridge as the healthy choice.

Lunches: Last week's chicken got turned into a shredded chicken soup - so I'll be defrosting that, adding some rice noodles and shredded spring greens to make chicken noodle soup. 

Dinners: This is where this week gets tricky - who's going to be home at any one point in time? Who knows?

Sunday: Sausage pasta bake (this one, that I should have made last week!) 

Monday: Leftovers

Tuesday: Minced beef hash (but with pork mince as that's what I've got in the freezer)

Wednesday: Leftovers

Thursday: Working away, so I will treat myself as I do each month, to a meal from the little Chinese restaurant that's close to the B&B I use for work. It does a fixed price menu but with tapas sized dishes so I can pick a few things without feeling piggy. Although the sugar content is probably sky high!

Friday: We're off to Guide holiday - Harry Potter here we come! We're deciding the menu tomorrow, so I'll do a midweek Harry Potter post and then follow up with a picture post after the weekend. 

I'll try to remember to link up this week - but be sure to pop on over to At home with Mrs M to see what everyone's up to. 

1 comment:

MrsP said...

Eggs are great for breakfast, something with more protein always keeps me going for longer.


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