Monday, 12 October 2015

The Teal Pumpkin Project: Making Halloween inclusive

This year I'm thinking about Halloween a bit differently - my thoughts are including food allergies, inclusivity and a Teal pumpkin. If you celebrate Halloween with your family I'd really like you to join me in that.

Since becoming a Mum, some of our festivals have taken on a difference significance to me - and to be honest I'd had Halloween filed away as one I probably didn't need to worry about (aside from a cute costume) for a few years. And then I realised that if Harry doesn't grow out of his allergies Halloween will not just need a cute costume, but a bottle of Piriton and a stash of Chamomile tea for me. I'll be that Mummy, sorting through his sweeties, telling him he can't have them and giving most of it to M. And that got me to thinking - he's not the only one with food allergies - what do the other mamas do?

Which is where Teal pumpkins come into play. In the US they're used to indicate that the house has non-food items that can be given out especially for children with food allergies. I've never seen it over here at all but would like to. So, I'm asking anyone who would normally put out a pumpkin, and have a bowl of sweeties for the trick or treaters to put out a second, Teal Pumpkin and have a second bowl of non food gifts. We're definitely not talking expensive things here - pop to the pound shop and stock up on some plastic goodies, but have something as an alternative if someone pops to your door dressed as a terrifying 5 year old witch but has a nut allergy. 

I used Dulux bathroom paint as I thought it'd be a bit more long wearing in the shade Teal touch (also it only cost £1.55 in B&Q). A tester pot did my little pumpkin beautifully. Of course you can carve yours, but I have a huge skills gap in the pumpkin carving arena! 

I'm asking you to join with me using Social Media - let's make 2015 the year Halloween becomes inclusive. Comment below and Tag me on Instagram Facebook or Twitter - using the hashtag #TealPumpkinProjectuk Show me your pumpkins - your treat bowls and lets all enjoy Halloween without the stress and worry. I'll share and retweet all I see and do a round up at the start of November to say thank you to everyone for joining in. 


Sarah Trivuncic Maison Cupcake said...

What a brilliant idea - would be great to catch on.

Penelope said...

Thanks Sarah, I'd really love it to. Fingers crossed this helps

Unknown said...

Hmm this is a difficult one! Love the idea, but I wouldn't want to give out lots of plastic bits either as it would just end up thrown away and causing environmental issues. If there is a nut or dairy allergy though it's easy to find sweets that would work for that.

Penelope said...

I understand what you mean Kerry - sadly though I can manage plastic toys by popping them back into rotation at Christmas fairs, charity shops or toy donations - a reaction for Harry (and many children with food allergies) could be life threatening and allergies are so varied that you can't cover them all. For us, this is a safe alternative - but everyone has to do what works for them.

Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes said...

This is such a great idea! I'm going to share it on my social media.

Penelope said...

Thanks Jemma, that'd be terrific - I'm hoping the more people see it, the more we can make this something people do!

Unknown said...

Such a great idea! I've seen this elsewhere too so seems it must be catching. I'll try to remember this next year :)


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