Monday 7 May 2012

Meal Planning Monday: The Bank Holiday edition

Well it's a Bank Holiday and clearly this is late, owing to much decluttering this weekend in both mine and M's houses in advance of certain big moving adventures set to happen in the not too distant future. I shant tell you when, but will let you notice when the backdrop to the pictures changes (for the better? I hope so).

That said, M and I had a lovely day together on Saturday, pottering, shopping and dinner. Between being on my feet all day and last week's three Couch to 5km runs I should be feeling super fit and healthy. In actual fact I'm coughing and full of sinusitis. Yes, again. This means food this week needs to be full of nutrients as well as quick and easy.

Breakfasts: I'm trying to go back on the small doses of dairy this week so have some yoghurts to have with a banana and cup of tea.

Lunches: Houmous with veg sticks and lots of fruit - if it gets colder again then it'll be Butternut squash soup that I made last week and froze

Snacks: Another batch of oaty bars have been baked for this week (blogpost to come)

Baby starter will be fed Tuesday and baked on or around Thursday


Monday: Cottage pie, with steamed purple sprouting broccoli

Tuesday: Leftover cottage pie, more broccoli and cabbage

Wednesday: Butternut squash, chorizo and cannelini bean chilli (again, leftovers that were frozen)

Thursday: M is at Welsh and I'm at Brownies so soup for me

Friday: It's the end of the week, and in clearing down M's freezer I found some chicken kievs (which were the hight of sophistication when I was growing up and requested as my birthday tea for many of my formative years) so those, with lots of veggies and wedges for M

Saturday: At present we have no plans, but I think I'll cook up a big pan of chilli con carne to have with rice or cornbread. It keeps the freezer stocked with dinners, and works out really cheaply as I double the kidney beans. I've just had a look-see and noticed that I haven't blogged the recipe I use, so will do so next weekend.

So that's this week in the Pantry - what does this Bank Holiday week hold in store for you? Don't forget to pop over to At Home with Mrs M and see what the other linkers are up to.

1 comment:

Seren said...

I had a yen for chicken kievs just the other week and thoroughly enjoyed them; it is STILL satisfying to cut them in half and watch the butter ooze out - preferably onto a pile of mash!



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