Sunday 30 June 2013

Please do stay in touch - how to carry on reading Penelope's Pantry

Now I know that all the organised bloggers have done their posts about this weeks back, but in true, thirteenth hour Kate style I'm doing mine in front of the grand prix - so have some cake. 

As of tomorrow, Google reader is no more - I don't know about you, but it's how I follow all my blogs - however, as I seem to spend much of my working time trying to encourage people to be positive about change I don't feel like I should be too down on it. 

Alternatives you could use are...

Bloglovin (and try not to get too irritated about the missing g - I've probably got that covered for both of us) You can import the blogs you follow in google using this link
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Feedly is an alternative RSS reader - and they too have a quick and easy way to import your Google reader feed.

Networked Blogs is another place to collate your blog reading in one place

Of course - there's the little box on the side for email updates (which is how M follows, so you'll be in good company) 

I'm sure there are as many alternatives as I have types of flour and sugar - but those are just two

Of course, you can continue to follow the Pantry posts, and associated ramblings on Facebook, Twitter, and of course if you want to see my life in (hopefully improving) photos there's Instagram

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