Monday 1 July 2013

Meal planning Monday: The sun'll come out...

*fingers crossed*

Normal service has been resumed in the Pantry, and I write this with a fruit cake baking and a shoulder of pork slow roasting in the oven.

I got home late on Thursday and after a pizza and a much needed hug, slept all the way through until the morning. I swear there were angels singing. This weekend has deliberately been slow, with a spot of running, some shopping and a trip to Shaw corner. M and I realised that the only sensible Christmas present for us is National trust membership and are ignoring the fact that this makes us old.

Next week M is working fairly long hours and I'm trying to fit in 5 runs alongside Brownies and Guides. However, that kind of busy week is eminently manageable - which is odd when last week all I had to do was work and run and that wasn't manageable.

Breakfasts - Total greek yoghurt was on special this week, so I have a daily tub of that, plus strawberries/ blueberries or stewed rhubarb and grape nuts.

Lunches - salad and smoked mackerel for me.

Dinners -

Monday: Leftover slow roast pork with salad and baked sweet potatoes

Tuesday: Leftover slow roast pork in tortilla wraps, with guacamole, yoghurt and salad (rice for M)

Wednesday: Courgetti spaghetti

Thursday: M's night - sweet chilli chicken I think

Friday: Sausages, baked potatoes and salad

I'm baking a Nigella fruit cake with chopped up marzipan - so that'll be our cake quotient this week.

Happy Monday - and don't forget to get your inspiration from At Home with Mrs M and all the other meal planners.

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