Thursday 4 July 2013

A big night in with Moneysupermarket

Moneysupermarket asked me recently if I wanted to join in with their Big Night in - in the light of rising costs of going out what could we do for a fantastic night in for £50.

I don't know about you, but I feel too old for many big nights out these days. The thought of a loud, noisy bar, where there are too many people so I panic, or club where I need to check there's not strobe lighting, find there's nowhere to sit down, and horror of horrors have to wear heels fills me with dread. Fortunately M has a similar response (although without the heels), so for us a big night in is ideal.

As you know I'm a camping fan and M never gets to Guides on pick up nights in time for s'mores. So we decided on an at home summer camp - or the best bits of, so basically a summer night in.

Of course s'mores were on the menu, as were the perennial Guide favourite of chicken fajitas, with wraps and veggies. To drink we have Pimms - Blackcurrant and Elderflower and lemonade. (That's a case of any excuse for me)

Apparently the prospect of being regaled by me in head torch leading a campfire singsong was not the delight I had hoped for, so we decided to cwtch up with our blankets and play Fluxx. A terribly silly card game that I was introduced to at a Guide weekend in Scotland, it's gone everywhere with us for a couple of years now as it's a good giggle - unless you get a radioactive baked potato that is (Louise?) We treated ourselves to a second pack of the cards, this time a Monty Python themed one to make a truly epic pack.

So that's our big night in, Fluxx, chicken fajitas, s'mores and Pimms. Just add in my sister, her husband and my nephew and I think that's perfect.


Fluxx £12.19
Marshmallows £1.50 (it's a big bag, don't judge)
Chocolate digestives £0.50
Chicken fajitas - all in including veggies and sides £15
Pimms & lemonade - £17

My version of "Mmhmm went the little green frog" with headtorch and actions? ... apparently not priceless as I'd hoped ;-)

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