Wednesday 15 June 2016

From phone to photos: Printing our memories with Sticky 9

In the UK we take more photos now than we ever have before, and photosharing websites like Instagram are surging in popularity. However, I don't know about you but I do miss the days of proper photos that you could put in albums. I love to pore over the albums of my university days, memories of drama productions that we shed actual tears over, joyous nights out, and friends long forgotten. Somewhere along the line I stopped doing that, would upload shots to Facebook or Instagram but not get any prints. 

A recent discovery (to me at least) was a company called Sticky 9: a printing service that turns your online photos onto magnets, phone cases and actual prints. I'm enjoying surrounding myself in colour at the moment so wanted to print some of my brightest and favourite shots of late, but of course also wanted some lovely pictures of Harry, M and I. The result has been, as you can see above an absolute riot of family love and glorious colour which now decorate my new desk. 

As you can see, I also couldn't resist getting a phone cover. Isn't it a gorgeous shot of my darling bubba? It makes me smile every time I see it. Which is all anyone can ask for really. 


Unknown said...

This looks great, it's such a shame that we rarely have physical copies of our favourite photo memories anymore. What a great way to change that and make use of all those times that really made us smile :)
Thanks for sharing x

Unknown said...

Create a monogram or photo case to protect your mobile device in style. ... make it simple to create completely customizable mobile phone cases for your phone . Visit the link and create now


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