Monday 16 May 2011

Meal Planning Monday: Does anyone want to go to Sainsbury's for me?

Last week I stayed almost entirely on plan for the main meals, which was great. My snacking wasn't too bad, but I'm still in a place where if it's there I'll eat it. I have to change this, but d'you know what - I have no idea how (and clearly no willpower). I don't think it helps that I had a couple of days where I was vomitting again because of another migraine and so wasn't really eating meals at all, but picking when I could keep things down.

This week should be fairly straightforward, the migraine is receeding so I'm eating normally again, and hoping to go back to work. My only problem being that I have nearly no food in, and no motivation to go and get any. So you're welcome to do my shop for me. In the absence of that I'm going to walk a fine line with scurvy.

Fortunately on weeks like this I have a freezer full of leftovers to call on, however my new kitchen doesn't have a microwave, so I'm hoping that a meal plan will remind me to get things out of the freezer in advance!

Monday: Leftover salmon with greens. (In order to ward off the scurvy, I'm going to add some fresh spring greens)

Tuesday: Guides and a return to work will probably mean I miss out on tea, so I'll try to have a proper lunch. I've got some butternut squash soup I made and froze and homemade bread to take into the office.

Wednesday: Chicken and mushroom risotto (again from the freezer)

Thursday: Leftover, leftover risotto (I froze 2 portions),

Friday: We're on camp, and the girls are coming out after their dinner. As I'll probably be out there a bit earlier I'll pick up something quick and easy. Pizza with a side order of a bucket of tea it is then!

Saturday: Chicken fajitas with guacamole, soured cream, cheese and salad. All cooked over an open fire. My Guides love this, I think it's partly to do with the fact that they assemble it themselves, as well as being involved in the preparation and cooking of the meal. The girls choose the menu at Guide camp and we went through options last week so there's no reason for them not to eat what they've picked, prepped, and cooked themselves. Being so involved in the meal planning means we cater to our fussy eaters as everyone needs to eat to stay warm on camp.

So that's this week's meal planning - hopefully I'll get to the shops on Sunday afternoon, so that next Monday's is a bit more interesting.


Seren said...

Hmmm, shopping is easily the most tedious part of the whole meal planning/cooking/eating process, and I must admit I tend to rely on online shopping as I'm hideously lazy!

Hope you manage to avoid the scurvy for this week :)


Moi said...

Thanks for joining in!

I love having freezer leftovers - makes busy weeks less stressful doesn't it?

Am definitely adding fajitas to the menu this week I think!


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