Monday 25 February 2013

Meal Planning Monday - The remote working edition

I'm working away from home for most of this week so this is a slightly odd meal plan. That said I'm trying to prompt myself to blog a bit more at the moment so I was keen not to miss a post

Breakfasts: for me being away means someone else gets to poach the eggs! Either eggs or fruit and yoghurt, but eggs means I get something hot.

Lunches: today I had some of my tomato and cannelini bean soup that I made and froze last week. Tomorrow and Wednesday I'm hoping that the sandwich shop opposite where I train here is selling soup, but a toasted sandwich is my backup. I'm training through the day on Thursday so won't be eating till tea.


Monday: Today is my monthly cheat of chinese food at a local restaurant. M, who's at home will be having chicken and mushroom risotto that I made last night - roughly to this recipe

Tuesday: I'll probably eat in the restaurant by where I train. M is having leftover parsnip and bacon pasta - again, made and frozen last week.

Wednesday: I'm not sure what I have in store as I'm training somewhere new. M is having something from the freezer - I can't remember what though!

Thursday: I'm back home, I'll be back about 8ish so we're going to eat our emergency pizza from the freezer.

Friday: M is away skiing for a week or so, and I'm home alone. I suspect as it's also payday I will treat myself to takeaway.

Saturday: Will be leftovers

Sunday: I think I'll forgo my lie in pop up to the butchers on Saturday morning for a lamb shank that I can casserole in a bottle of red wine I've got lying around. I'll add some root veggies, a couple of roasted potatoes and some savoy cabbage.

And that's this week. Baking wise there's Marmalade and Polenta cake for M at home. Next week, I'm deliberately planning to bake something he doesn't like - maybe chocolate brownies.

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