Monday, 11 February 2013

Meal Planning Monday: absence makes the heart grow fonder

Or so they tell me. In my case it just seems to make me feel guilty. My absence from the blog that is. It's as though the longer I don't write, the worse I feel. But an infection in my wisdom tooth as well as a heavy workload of late just seem to have sapped my motivation, for blogging, for running, you name it. I'm on antibiotics at the moment, which are making me feel rotten; nauseous and just - heavy. I'm sure it'll pass soon enough.

This week is a working away week. I'm hoping to catch up with a good friend one evening, and the other will hopefully involve a hot bath and an early night. We don't celebrate St Valentines, not least because love should be something you do everyday not just once a year - but more because we celebrate the Welsh St Dwynwen's day in January. However we do celebrate my birthday which is also this week. I suspect I'm getting too old to be excited about getting older, but I do have a day off which is exciting at any age!

So, now onto the business of meal planning:

Breakfast: I'm continuing with poached eggs and porridge - not together! Rather on alternate days.

Lunches: I've made some more spicy root vegetable soup


Monday - Leftover pork and vegetable hash, with baked potatoes

Tuesday - I'm away, but M is having pork and apple burgers that I made and froze tonight

Wednesday - Still away, I can't quite think what M's going to have. I vaguely feel there's *something* in the freezer, but I should probably check on that

Thursday - after Brownies so it'll need to be quick and easy. Maybe pasta something? Pantry pasta with added bacon.

Friday - as it's my birthday I'm pitching to go out, but just in case it's horribly busy I may crown off my day with a trip to Sainsburys. I know how to live!

Baking wise, we've still got the last of the Christmas cake to eat up, but hopefully I should be baking again in the next week or so!

So that's this week - be sure to pop on over to At Home with Mrs M and see what everyone's up to.

1 comment:

Seren said...

Poor thing, I hope you feel better soon. Have a very happy birthday - one is never too old for cake and candles.



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