Saturday 6 July 2013

Reading material

Sorry for the lack of food posts, of late it's not that I'm not eating, but I am combining the running with some healthy eating and there's only so much you can write about salad. That said, I'm trying a new fruit cake recipe at the weekend, so hopefully that'll make it on.

So - I thought I'd do a post about what I'm reading at the moment, both on my Kindle and magazines.


I try not to buy magazines, although Mark's mum is very naughty and treats me to lovely home magazines when we visit. I'm a sucker for these and cut out things I like and stick them into my scrapbook ready for the day I get to decorate our own home.

That said, I love love love The Simple Things. So much so I'm contemplating a subscription - I adore the fact that it's pick up and put down-able and the articles are interesting, recipes lovely and I know it sounds somewhat shallow but the layout is just so pretty and well thought out.


I've got two books on the go on my much loved Kindle (quite possibly the best present ever for someone who reads voraciously and travels a lot).

Be awesome: Modern life for Modern ladies by Hadley Freeman

I'm loving this - it's funny and so, so apt (scarily so) for life as I'm experiencing it at the moment. Movies lie - damn it, woman, they lie! made me giggle out loud in the restaurant (grotty burger, it was either that or scampi) at the hotel yesterday. The fact that I don't want to put it down at bedtime is generally a good indicator that I'm really enjoying a read.

Running like a girl by Alexandra Heminsley

This is wonderful, fabulous and terrific. Inspirational it makes me believe that I can improve with my running and has pushed me to get out there. Alexandra includes sections on being a beginner and learning to run as well as being terrified trying to buy trainers - a section which I could be the illustration for when I went into the Nike shop on Saturday. All I wanted was some running shoes for someone who over pronates and I wasn't even able to get to the trainer display for the hoardes of teenagers buying trainers to wear with their skinny jeans. And yes they were, I was eavesdropping.

The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald

I downloaded this a couple of months back and have picked it up and read a few pages but not really got into it. I love Baz Luhrmann and am keen to see his adaptation but as with all dramatic adaptations of novels I won't until I've read it

And that's it - those are the novels and magazines that are keeping me out of mischief, distracting me from the ironing, and helping with the insomnia (6 months and counting) What about you - what're you reading?

1 comment:

Smartie said...

I love seeing what people are reading! Although it often then makes me want to buy books! I have a few on the go as ever right now - I am on the second game of thrones book, a textbook on hallucinations (to satisfy the geek in me!) And a sue Grafton crime one for a bit of easy reading! As I'd like to try running again though when health allows I might have to look into the one you mentioned. Perhaps my wishlist will grow even longer!


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