Sunday 22 May 2016

Meal Planning Monday: 23rd March 2016

In a hitherto unheard of fit of organisation I'm typing this up on a Sunday afternoon sat in the garden. Harry is sleeping, I've done both the shopping list and meal plan and am now ready to head off to Aldi once the grumpy one awakes. 

This week is fairly normal - about a 7 on the hectic scale. I've got a bake sale at Guides on Tuesday to raise money for our local campsite so a couple of local Brownie units are coming for campfire fun and to spend their pocket money. 

I'm planning to bite the bullet and head back to Slimming World this week - I'm just feeling a bit bleurgh and suspect eating fewer fruit and veggies and much much more chocolate is to blame. Plus I didn't fit into my size 14 jeans that I wanted to wear for Blogcamp yesterday. 

Onto the meal plan. 

Breakfasts - baked porridge/ overnight oats. I picked up some reduced raspberries in Waitrose on Friday and Harry seems to have gone off blueberries (Shock. Horror!) so I'll use those up too. 

Lunches - couscous salad - with smoked salmon or leftover roast chicken. 

We're having a roast chicken tonight - mainly for the leftovers I must admit as I'm actually craving steak, but chicken goes so much further. 


Monday - leftover roast chicken, baked potatoes, corn on the cob and carrots

Tuesday - Chicken, broad bean and mushroom risotto (my challenge is to get a decent picture of this!) 

Wednesday - Leftover risotto or Tomato, lentil and veg pasta sauce as I made an enormous batch last week and have portioned it up nicely in the freezer

Thursday - If we don't have it the night before the pasta. If we have the pasta then leftover sauce as a pasta bake I think

Friday - Pizza night! With sweet potato wedges and salad. 

Saturday - baked gammon with egg and syn free chips, peas and sweetcorn

Sunday - Roast something, either pork or beef, to give us leftovers for the week ahead. 

That all feels very organised. Especially for me of late, but I've taken up journalling/ planning in a big to help keep on top of the varying levels of chaos that make up our lives. Whilst I'm not particularly artistic, I am incredibly visual and a huge fan of colour and stickers to keep me focussed. 

That's us for this week - busy as always. You'll notice I'm not cooking too much for the freezer at the moment as the one we use for stocking up died a death a few weeks back and we can't really stretch to a new one at the moment. It doesn't seem to be affecting us too badly, but has made me much better at using up our leftovers rather than just chucking them in the freezer for another day. 

Have a good, healthy week all - and be sure to hop on over to Mrs M's linky to see what all our other planners are up to. 


E said...

Sounds fab especially the risotto. Have a great week x

Kirsty Hijacked By Twins said...

I do love it when I have got ahead with meal plans. Everything sounds lovely, especially the risotto, it is a favourite of mine! Hope you have a good week x #mealplanningmonday


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